My Teespoon

Meet our Luna, the wonder we all revolve around.

An inspiration, a desperation, an exhaustion of love.

I am the spoon to her little spoon, and Teespoon is inspired by the way I hold her when she holds my entire world in her embrace.

She is the beginning of today's me, the reason I makeshift to allow a world with and around here.

I draw inspiration from her natural state of feeling, raw, unfiltered, wild. The loudest child in every setting, fiercely protecting her cupcakes from her birthday balloons, strong-willed, pure unaltered happiness.

Teespoon is a small business created during naps to allow me to be there for most of the wakings.

Where all emotions are welcomed and celebrated.

There are no picture perfect children or grown ups here, just raw, uncensored beauty.

Teespoon is a place to be as we are and feel how we feel.

Raw, unfiltered, wild.